Today A Day For Mother, Rightfully So,pd lyons

Today A Day For Mother, Rightfully So

but I want to tell about those other days
like every time I see my daughter
especially how she has those
dark brown eyes

Days when I whistle or sing
though my own voice so much harsher
still my love of music comes from having heard you

And now these days of early spring
when each flower I can name
I learned their name from you

The birds I feed,
mornings in the garden
even blue jays, even crows –
joy of which I learned by watching you

and how many other everyday things?
so many more, so very many more…

so sure, you’re not “here” today
at this restaurant
clinking glasses sparkling wine
but inwardly I take my own inventory
grateful for this life
how all the days of it
truly are my mother’s days.


for Flora



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  • Edward-David Ruiz  On May 14, 2024 at 2:07 pm

    a lovely paean for mothers. bless them.  e/s

    Liked by 1 person

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