So Now That I have My Computer Back – Notes by PD Lyons

So now that I have my computer repaired and back – thank you very much to  NavanPC ! I am spending the last few hours sorting files from the other two laptops I had been limping along with. Getting rid of duplicates, organizing folders and ultimately finding old stuff which for better or worse I will be revising and editing starting today. Who knows what gems or rhinestones will be uncoverd. Here’s some ruff diamonds from maybe the 90’s. Good Luck.




Notes On Being Sick

some unprovoked violence
I’d bring up
sightless wordless
shake n smash
slap n wake n pull
from a constricting bag of skin
a weep a wake
to leave breath n bone behind again

what waits
outside the barking dogs
secret traffics
pre May dawn
natural as breathed
sooner than not
seeped stopped
eased no more wondering
all that other time at last
briefer miracle
no more so I know
falsely I am
every changing shape shifting
so called life
a moment thing

which me am I?

My old cities
rose up out
from above
ruins bright n shining
Goliath shrines
silver unlike any bird
shadowing resurrected bays
long veined polished rivers
symphonicly far as any ancient woodland lore

propped up
best I can
most uncomfortable ever bed

crow sounds
silver sun shadows the page
all it takes to ease the ache
not even knowing
what I read
the largeness an open window
dissolves all imposed restrictions
of my self
and what would comfort done?
a sleep til noon then what?

Notre dam Paris

Notre dam Paris

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