Tag Archives: ithaca

Herding Goats In Ithaca, by pd lyons

Herding Goats In Ithaca

She went a way up into the high lands.
She had wounds to nourish.
Ghosts to speak to.
Her own kind to avoid.


published by curio poetry April 2012 issue 5.


Herding Goats In Ithaca , by pd lyons. As published by Right Hand pointing

Herding Goats In Ithaca

she went a way up into the high lands.
she had wounds to nourish.
ghosts to speak to.
her own kind to avoid.

solciste arts Navan Co Meath

Solstice  Arts Ctr Navan Co Meath


the good people at Right Hand Pointing , were nice enough to publish two of mine back in Jan. 2013. https://sites.google.com/site/59rhpissue/


why we like Right Hand Pointing


p d   l y o n s
Herding Goats In Ithaca
she went a way up into the high lands.
she had wounds to nourish.
ghosts to speak to.
her own kind to avoid.
Last Poem Before Oregon
                for Olga Blu’
Slept in groves of oranges
Visited by only wet-nurse bees
Shaded by impossible leaves
Clouds drifting shapes of which made harlequin
Dreams disturbed gently by nimble hums
A voice like Marcello young again
 from issue 59.

Why we like Curio Poetry




Hi PD,

After reading your work, we would like to publish “Herding Goats in Ithaca” and “On the Bridge” in the next issue of Curio, due out at the end of the month or beginning of April. Please let us know if you have any changes you’d like to make to the poems or your bio. Congratulations, and thanks for choosing to submit to our magazine!
~ Joseph and Tessa