Tag Archives: spider webs

4.4.23.Morning Coffee Notes with PD Lyons



 on todays tray ~ finches,dog, greed, weird things swimming in the cup of coffee 


This morning at Blue Wren House


The dog

Having been out

Having had her breakfast

Now curls up between her human pack in bed

While they are having coffee


Sometimes the finches at the feeders catch her eye

But not enough to make her bother

And I’m thinking,


How right now this dog is complete and satiated. She right now wants nothing more than to doze here between us, to be exactly where she right now is.

 She’s not thinking about how she can gain control over all the beds so now no other dog can gain access to a human bed. Unless of course they bring her feed offerings which will allow her to then control all dogs who wish to eat. She wont develop a way to compel humans to care only for dogs that she herself approves of. 

She will never worship incessant greed. Need to feel fulfilled by compelling others to worship her every thought and or action. In fact no dog will ever be that human.

Attentive to my getting up to make second coffees. She has no need to follow. She knows I’ll be back and even if not she still has her place, her belly full, the sun streaming in, the finches at play and a human to curl up to.