Tag Archives: equestrian

Trust, by pd lyons


I walk out with the horse,
She does not resist.

leads as if there’s not a diseased bone in her body.

 does not notice children crying,
rain stopping, sun brightening,
but rather a yellow butterfly –

moves her head
to keep it in sight
until for some reason she will never know,
 can no longer do so.



years ago worked for several intense years with a horse rescue rehab group in Connecticut. Sometimes there were happy endings, sometimes you had to let them go. the group is still there doing fine work for these beautiful creatures



The Humane Organization Representing Suffering Equines (H.O.R.S.E.) of Connecticut Inc., is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of abused and neglected horses. Over the past thirty years, H.O.R.S.E. has saved more than 650 lives. In addition to direct intervention, H.O.R.S.E. also maintains an ongoing commitment to educating the public regarding horse care.

Riding With An Angel In The Pale Moonlight, by pd lyons from Old Songs

Riding With An Angel In The Pale Moonlight

so light little queenie
I know you know the way
soon now little darling
dawn will light our way
soon now little darling
home will be in sight

I know it’s been a long time
I know you worked your heart
soon now little queenie
we’ll ride out from this dark
soon now little queenie
we’ll see the morning light

I can’t ever tell you
I don’t know any words you’d now
but you’re my own true heart girl
you’re my own true one
in darkness I trust you
in darkness no fear
I know you know the way dear
I know you always find the light



( For Jeanie

All those nights
sat silent
Smoky wine coloured
full tide
my veins
my heart
my own )


back in the dream time i was working with horses. Jeanie was the first horse that was truly mine. she was a beautiful liver chestnut Morgan mare with a tendency towards madness. Eventually she put me in hospital with a punctured lung via cracked ribs and fractured collar-bone – but that’s another story. One evening we did get a bit lost in the thick of a Berkshire woodland. Eventually i just gave her, her head and she brought us out of it. In dreams the horse represents the dreamers heart. She was my wild reckless self-destructive wonderful heart. this would have been written early 1990’s



Just a poem about horses wolves and apples by pd lyons

Preparing to Accept

Crisp snow. village sleeps.

Almost daylight from the moon.

Thin smoke rises, unseen fires.

Some dog hears the barn door slide.


Horses snort, nicker.

In a soft watt glow,

Seek out my bridle, saddle,

That old Indian blanket from Mexico.


Shuddering saw dust she greets me

As if trying to erase that white blaze star n snip

From her otherwise pure liver-chestnut body against me.

As usual I give in, step back.

As usual take a moment, rub her head, her ears,

Lean my face against her,

Breathe in deep that sweet smothery scent…


How many times have I groomed this horse?

Untangled mane and tail, picked feet, mixed feed,

Had her shod, filed her teeth.

Spent hours just watching her in the field,

And like I am right now, unable to sleep,

All these thoughtless motions of tacking up.


I warm the bit with my own breath

So, the frozen metal won’t burn her mouth.

And this great creature of my heart,

Slightly bends so her bridle can slip on.


Down the aisle my boot heels

No match for her borium studded shoes.

Last of the sleepy horses stir.

Each step increases their curiosity.

Whinny, snorts, some strike their stalls, some stomp the floor

And we both know that black gelding’s bass drum kick.

Each charging the air

If you were watching, you’d see steel blue sparks

with every step our connection wove the mare and I,

Until muffled by snow in false dawn and moonlight,

Though every inch of her is saying “go” ,

She stands, for me.


Up into that healing sensation of being whole again I swing.

Savour the moment before she, as if in imitation of her birth,

Boldly arcs liquidly into motion.

We make for the west ridge,

Where for the past week, waking from a sound sleep,

I’ve seen from my window a lone wolf.

Sometimes just a glimpse. Sometimes lingering,

Head high as if to test the air,

As if at any moment stillness shatters…

But there’s never been a sound

Only a drooping dark shape turning away.

And at the top, footprints?  Signs? The creature, real or a dream…?


Through winter swells we crest the ridge

Pause slightly

Before down onto the valley floor,

Share the last two good apples of the year.

I Roll the first cigarette of the day,

Smoke doubled by cold drifts

Dancing like spirits slowly shrinking from the sun

To where just before the rising timber line

The Frozen river spreads its dare.


for: Katie, Jeanie, Mara, Jenny, The Bay, The Roan, Ali, Lance, The Mare, Phyllis,

all my own true heart.

morning coffee notes 23.2.23


Today I get to have another one



Dog wiggling with joy

Allowed up on the bed



That morning still dark

Slender glow along the horizon

Promised a sunny day.


I already had the horse groomed and tacked.

One of my favourite things to ride out alone early

No plans for when we’d come back.

The joy of it

Me and this wonderful creature

As if we could really never come back.

The sense of truly anything could happen.


I knew we’d head down to the river

A small pool there she liked to splash

 I was thinking up the goat trails

Then into the peaks.

She had great balance and true to her breed

Feet like steel.


How would the valley look this morning?

Where would we find ourselves by afternoon?

These questions opened our hearts.

Hearts of gratitude. Pulsing life as something to be unknown

Embraced Rejoiced Savoured.


Thank You.



Cold diamonds


Early sun


The longer I live the more I know I don’t know.

Like Dylan said – I was so much older then I’m younger than that now,

The certainty of youth seems to give way to the wisdom of not knowing and not for the most part giving af.

All I can do is cultivate kindness to  everyone else that don’t know anything either. Although some folks get really spun out about it. If you spend generations insisting on things being a certain way well good luck to anyone who shows its different. I am grateful for the evidence of revolution. Makes these hardships a bit easier. How can you look a seasons ageing empires come and go and come up with a belief in a never changing anything.

On the other had as a great master once reminded his students upon his departure “Don’t Know. Don’t need. Don’t want.”


When we stop splintering in order to “know”

how bright will the universe be



oh rebel

when you return

a joy to all

after all home is where the heart is




waltzing miss jeanie by pd lyons

 Waltzing Miss Jeanie

The sky barely visible

Gunmetal cold keeps each bit of snow completely separate.

Sounds, most into silence or muffled by a swish and swirl

As my horse moves through.

Imagine sand against a giant hourglass,

Wicked witch of the west,

There’s no place like home…

Nothing else moves,

Rock walls mostly covered

Drainage ditches camouflaged

Snow drifts level the landscape almost beyond illusion.

By memory only we keep to the road.

Imagine being the first to cross this land in winter

And if it were a time before horses…?

Off the open ridge we cut down to where the pine woods

Shelter enough so we can pick up the pace.

Occasionally over burdened snow spills,

Sometimes peeling bits of green, chunks of old ice, thuds magnified by the quiet.

Perhaps an excuse to break monotony

Or some primal memory aroused –

She spooks.

Imagine double barrel blast, a restless dragon, a living legend…

So I talk her through; my voice being a calm place for her to focus.

So I sing, putting the name she knows into the song,

My fathers’ curious choice for a lullaby he used to sing to me.

Imagine not yet five years old, frightened from things that you don’t even have words for.

Things that move only in those darker places in your room,

And then his heavy footsteps, the weight of his body as he sits on the edge the bed, his strong steady hands sometimes rubbing sometimes patting while always singing over and over until finally asleep you couldn’t ask him to again…

We make our way like that now,

Dealing with imagined as well as real risks –

Patches of ice beneath this rising snow upon this rising, winding road


versions of this were published by Hotmetal Press and West47 Galway arts.

some of the most rare and wonderful moments of my life were brought to me by horses ( lovers and acid). i have actually been out in blizzard conditions on horse back albeit in Connecticut and only a few miles to go. Jeanie was a hot little chestnut Morgan mare, she taught me much, broke my heart and a few bones in the process. I am very grateful for having known her.




The Night Mares, by pd lyons





In a still night

No moon softening

Sharp stars

No cloud drapery.

Against this midnight

The night mares move

Sharing colour with the darkness.

What cannot find them is found by them,

There are no ways secret:

Spiraling stars leave every sky familiar,

Foraging herds by trails of green weeds

Breach every underwater sanctuary.

The night mares

Sleep standing up;

Contain any stallion,

Give birth in the middle of any weather,

Can knock bones, eyes, or internal organs out of any creature.

Simply by their passing

Men have been sucked breathless.

The night mares

Know where dragons come from,

And who, mothered by seas and singing desert sands,

The twin birthed are.

In languages that the thunder knows,

They answer one another.

Navigating easily unbridled,

No boundary deludes them.

Yielding, the only response they know.





this first appeared in print in Searches For Magic by pd lyons, published by Lapwing, Belfast 2001. ISBN 1 898472 59 9


Lapwing Publications is a publisher based in Belfast specialising in poetry. It was founded in 1988 by Dennis and Rene Greig. Since then it has published over a hundred and fifty poetry collections.

Riding With An Angel In The Pale Moonlight, by pd lyons from Old Songs

Riding With An Angel In The Pale Moonlight

so light little queenie
I know you know the way
soon now little darling
dawn will light our way
soon now little darling
home will be in sight

I know it’s been a long time
I know you worked your heart
soon now little queenie
we’ll ride out from this dark
soon now little queenie
we’ll see the morning light

I can’t ever tell you
I don’t know any words you’d now
but you’re my own true heart girl
you’re my own true one
in darkness I trust you
in darkness no fear
I know you know the way dear
I know you always find the light



( For Jeanie

All those nights
sat silent
Smoky wine coloured
full tide
my veins
my heart
my own )


back in the dream time i was working with horses. Jeanie was the first horse that was truly mine. she was a beautiful liver chestnut Morgan mare with a tendency towards madness. Eventualy she put me in hospital with a punctured lung via cracked ribs and fractured collar-bone – but that’s another story. One evening we did get a bit lost in the thick of a Berkshire woodland. Eventually i just gave her, her head and she brought us out of it. In dreams the horse represents the dreamers heart. She was my wild reckless self-destructive wonderful heart. this would have been written early 1990’s


